Zhumin Xu


Zhumin Xu is currently an early career researcher at LATTS. Before moving to Paris, Xu held a fellowship in the Department of Geography at the University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include housing requisition involving public participation, inner-city redevelopment and local governance, public housing, and mega-projects under globalization. Xu holds a PhD degree in Urban Studies from University of New Orleans, a Masters degree from Michigan State University and a Bachelor’s degree from Fudan University. Her dissertation topic focused on urban governance and community participation in residential relocations and housing requisition in globalizing Shanghai.


Journal Articles
Xu, Zhumin and GCS Lin (2019) Participatory Urban Redevelopment in Chinese Cities amidst Accelerated Urbanization: Symbolic Urban Governance in Globalizing Shanghai. Journal of Urban Affairs. 41, 6: 756-775. DOI: 10.1080 / 07352166.2018.1536420.

Lin, GCS and Zhumin Xu (2019) Remaking China’s urban space of the spectacle: Mega-events, temporary growth, and uneven spatial transformation in Shanghai. Geoforum, 102, 126-136. DOI: 10.1016 / j.geoforum.2019.03.013 .

Xu, Zhumin (2015) Citizen Participation in Housing Requisition in Shanghai. China City Planning Review 24 (4): 65-71.

Working Paper
Xu, Zhumin (2021) Participation des citoyens au réaménagement urbain de Shanghai, LATTS Working Paper, n ° 21-19, March 2021. “Translation campaign” project.

Book Chapters
Xu, Zhumin (forthcoming) Citizen Participation in Shanghai’s Urban Redevelopment under State-led Neoliberal Urbanism. In the book Urbanization in the Global South: Challenges and perspectives. (Routledge, 2022).

Chen, Jie and Zhumin Xu (2017) Changing Urban Governance of Urban Redevelopment in Shanghai in the book Steering the Metropolis: Metropolitan Governance for Sustainable Urban Development. United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat).

Book Review
Xu, Zhumin (2021) Book Review, China: The Bubble That Never Pops, by Thomas Orlik, Oxford University Press. Eurasian Geography and Economics (EGE). https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15387216.2021.1878923?journalCode=rege20.

Xu, Zhumin (2019) Book Review, Macau and the Casino Complex (Gambling Studies Series) by Stefan Al. University of Nevada Press. Journal of Historical Geography. 10.1016 / j.jhg.2019.04.007.

Xu, Zhumin (2013) Book Review, Building Globalizations: Transnational Architecture Production in Urban China. University of Chicago Press by Xuefei Ren. Global Built Environment Review, Vol 8 Issue 3.


Editorial Board, Journal of Urban Affairs Since July 2021.
Committee Member on the International Committee, Urban Affairs Association 2017-2019.



  1. China’s urban redevelopment reinvented with public participation
  2. Right to the city and housing affordability under financialization
  3. The ‘urban revolution’ and urban political economy in Hong Kong


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