Ludovic Halbert

Trained as an economic geographer and planner, my work focuses on urban dynamics and how they are affected by the transformation of productive systems (globalization, financialization), the changing financial circuits involved in urban production, and evolving urban development policies (planning, economic development).

Research interest: After having probed the intra- and inter-urban locational patterns of firms in a context of globalizing economies, I am currently going through a new research cycle critically questioning how various financial circuits interact with the material fabric of urban systems in different national contexts. Such works include a study of the financialization of real estate and infrastructure and the increased importance of capital markets in the construction and ownership of urban “assets”. I also look at the social housing financing system and at the provision of buy-to-let residential properties in France as other types of financial circuits.

Research fields: France, European cities, India. Due to collaborations, I have also published works on Mexican and Brazilian cities.

Collaborations: Involved in research consortia since my doctoral research years, I am particularly interested in collaborative research with academics (research, post-docs and PhDs) as well as with other stakeholders (NGOs, public authorities, firms). To contact me: ludovic.halbert @

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