Call for applications for a doctoral research project at LATTS: TOD-generations in context. Driving forces and environmental effects of regional planning in the long-term

Cosupervised by Nathalie Roseau (LATTS, ENPC) and Massimo Moraglio (TUBerlin), this research doctoral project will evaluate how transport-urbanization planning generations were conceived in relation/conflict with different contexts of Rural and Urban Regions, comparing rhetoric and plans versus outcomes. The project will focus on the Rural and Urban Regions of Paris and Rome, analyzing both historical processes and current transport strategies and planning. Through these two case studies, the aim is, firstly, to put new developments into perspective with respect to previous experiences in order to compare and establish continuities or changes; secondly, to understand how they have or have not effectively reduced sprawl and how in particular the notions of compactness and density have been considered in this framework; thirdly, to see how the intentions behind the discourses and narratives have or have not been effective, and what have been the underlying drivers that have led to these trajectories. This research doctoral project thus brings a dynamic perspective of path-dependencies and change, as well as shows the specific driving forces and related agendas behind different TOD generations.

See attached the research project

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